Aug 31, 2023



It is a happy day, a very happy day. Yet, do you remember it was not always that way? 

A bug called Covid crawled in and everyone stopped calling, for days and days and days. 

But did you ever see it? I never did, the bug I mean, yet it disturbed our lives in so many ways. I hoped I could find it and trample it beneath my feet and life could return again for us once more. 

The staff kept on washing and washing every one of us and every house in the Zoo. I used to love a bath and a good scrub, but you can have too much of a good thing. Old Crocodile became quite crotchety every time they asked him to open his mouth for a spray. I for one had to warn everyone to keep out of his way. 

The monkeys drove us to distraction with their noisy frustrations, as the public stayed away and it was yet another extra banana-free day. 

My friend, the giraffe, kept parading around, searching and searching, head held high, trying to see further than anyone else, reporting back, “Even with my most excellent vision, apart from the staff, there is no one to see.” 

Mr Lion stopped his constant roaring as there was no one to impress; he was so depressed. We asked Mrs Turtle if she could explain, as she was the oldest and wisest of us all. “Mrs Turtle, do you know what is going on?” 

Her reply calmed us a bit, “I remember a long time ago something similar happened. It seemed to last forever; then one day, Mr Snake announced it had gone as the public were starting to queue to come in. Even the ice cream vans had started to deliver, ringing out their appearance once again.” 

As an elephant, I too will never forget the arrival and departure of that terrible Covid bug. And the day the Zoo returned to normal, it was great and, oh boy, did we celebrate. 

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

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