Aug 25, 2023



We turned a corner, a gasp I had to give!

There were large helium balloons with their dangling baskets at different stages of take-off.

All shapes and sizes floating by on mass, with blasts of hot air forcing them upwards assisting the lift.

A few more, blasts before silently you arose like giant dandelion seeds, dwindling in size.

Floating off in one’s, and two’s filling the brilliant sky.

The artistry of colour decorated the balloons as you floated by. Giving us a glimpse of entering an artist's attic.

It would be hard to choose the best, as they rose dipped and swayed.Till the competition had run its course.

Landings were not always neat, but laughter and help were there at hand.

To flatten and roll your balloon canopy into its basket, after a brilliant out this World experience.

We tucked the whole vision, into our memory chest to be pulled on a miserable day, as we drove our way home.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License

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