Aug 25, 2023



Desert of deadly heat and freezing cold, entices to trap you there.

Where if unlucky, your where about’s may never be told.

Yet within these extremes, life still goes on from the tiniest creature to the big and strong.

Your beauty has captivated poets, writers, singers of songs.

As spectacular coloured visions, appear at dawn and dusk to dazzle the eye.

With the wind playing music, carried in the sighing of shifting sand.

Painters, Photographers, Explorers have to risk life and limb to capture and write a truly lasting descriptive vision and love of you.

Though I have been to deserts before, seeking wonders I can no longer through age truly explore.

Tourism allows me to be transported to swelter in a tent in the heat of the day.

Night temperature drops freezing me wrapped in a blanket, as I stare upwards in wonder at the expanse of your star-studded amazing and thought-provoking black sky.

It is our duty as writers, to share our experiences with those adventurous hearts less able to travel.

Please keep your pens, stories, and information flowing in new books, to help less able thrill seekers' imaginations to keep going.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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