Aug 23, 2023



Thinking with my brain, not moving from the spot, taking you with me for a short educational hop.

Lie down, relax, close your eyes; let’s go.

How about a Caribbean island? 

A sun baked place, with soft breezes rustling music from the coconut tree leaves, and hot, silvery sand needing swift ambling to cool feet in the warm, lapping sea.

To lower yourself into the water is as comforting and slightly cooler than an energy-raising bath.

There you can look down and see small, coloured fish nibbling your toes, or swimming between braced knees, a truly colourful show.

The odd shelled crab hurrying out of your way, to bury itself in the sand out of sight.

Shells of all sizes left by previous owners lie decorating the sandy floor.

Breathing in the frangipani fragrance wafting over us from the shore, do you feel yourself relaxing, letting your troubles float gently away?

Floating, floating, floating; what bliss this is.


That was a flash of lightning from an approaching grey thunder cloud, letting us know it is time for us to leave and embrace reality where we both really live.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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