Aug 24, 2023



The setting sun, full of gentle remembrances and fun, being chased by a brooding menace as thunder and lightning had begun. 

The gentle sunset being devoured with such terror, as the earth beneath shook and writhed, chasing humans to seek shelter. 

In their choice of high or low their lives hung, as homes and all they knew were shredded. The battle raged as the ocean rose and swept all before everything being upended. 

Terror stalked those who still lived, as lightning struck and thunder roared and the sea covered all before. Fearfully, those who still survived prayed that this brooding menace would soon go. 

So, in time and worldly cycle, the battle waned and unsettled day began to show. Life stirred, as people searched for family, beloved pets and neighbours well known. 

Silence and cries of sorrow were heard by many that first day, before sirens and calls of, “Anyone there?” As rescuers arrived, cries of joy permeated the air. 

As survivors returned to what might be left of their homes, where strangers waited to welcome them with water, food, clothes, bed and board. For others, more permanent arrangements had to be made and another place found to call home. 

As life in any traumatic situation has to go on. 

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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