Aug 22, 2023



In the silence of the early morning arising, I sat writing, greeting Facebook friends, when a fluttering noise halted what I was doing. 

As I looked out the window and listened, the bush outside came alive. 

A flock of sparrows, too many to count, were interested in something inside the inner branches. 

From time to time, one popped out, immediately finding a way back in. 

A quarrel occurred now and then and two of the birds would burst into view, only to retreat quickly out of sight. 

The chattering noise was so lovely to hear, but did not last long. 

As suddenly as if on command, the bush became alive with lots of sparrows with much to say, struggling their way out, lining up as a squadron and flying away. 

It made me realise that sparrows used to be a very common sight in my garden. Not any more! 

So I was delighted with this visit, which showed there are still quite a few around. 

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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