Aug 16, 2023




I landed with a thump and woke into a strange world. My mum was pulling something off me and giving me a good wash with her tongue.

Making small quiet air grunting noises which I found very comforting. Other giraffes came to greet me with a touch and a puff of warm air.

They were so tall and I felt so small, yet I somehow knew we were a family. I had to have a few tries at attempting to stand up, Mum nudged from the rear.

Finally, my legs lined up splayed and locked into place, suddenly I was taller but still not tall enough.

This was a struggle I had to win to reach up and suckle my mum’s vital milk. It was something I was born knowing, don’t ask me how.

Staggering about I finally made it, and found the teat I had to nuzzle. Oh the joy, hard to explain, as I guzzled as fast as I could, to fill my stomach with this glorious food.

Day after day I gained in strength, and my legs strengthened, as I followed the herd with my mum.

I learnt I had to reach up as high as I could to find the tenderest and the tastiest food. As other animals shorter than us, stripped all the leaves off the lowest branches of trees and bushes we passed.

Life was good for Mum and me, with Dad and my family always nearby.

Then one dawn with no warning men and lorries started chasing us, Mum fell with no warning and struggled to move. I stopped and stood beside her I did not know what to do.

The lorries stopped and men came towards us talking gently, Mum was all floppy.

They took her first gently, shepherding her into the back of a lorry up a ramp. I meekly followed as close as I could. It was very scary and I shivered a lot.

After a while, we were safely underway, bumping along on the rough ground. I did not have a clue where we were going too, till I heard someone say.

These are the lucky ones who are going to an animal sanctuary and breeding programme in the U.K.

Not that I knew what that meant, though I do now. It is home and safety, but somehow Dad got left behind. Mum was upset and so was I for quite a long time.

I grew and grew and met some young friends, Mum met a handsome kind stranger and that is where this story ends.

We are here, to ensure giraffes will always be seen roaming freely restored, to the free African Weald.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

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