Aug 17, 2023




The screen went blank on my I-Pad, locked solid.

Defied all attempts to revive it.

'Oh, what did I do? Come on tell me. What did I do?'


'Come on you are part of the problem. You must know.'


'Or are you having a moment to yourself. All right, I'll wait, don't be too long.'

I filled in time with other tasks. A ping rang out.

'You're back! Oh, thank goodness, I thought you had a terminal affliction. We are so comfortable together most of the time. I did not want to buy a replacement. To struggle through and learn, new more complicated tricks, for a smooth companionable partnership which we already share. Nice to have you back.'

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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