Aug 18, 2023




Oh, summer have you lost your way.

It is northern breezes we need to wrench winter away.

Instead, the battle between you two is dragging on.

When you reach out to lift the gloom 

Winter fights back with fierce storms to chase

Every ray of sunshine you send to warm our place.

The seeds in the soil down below 

No longer know which way to go.

Soil is eroding from the fields

For fish to flee or suffer dangerous clogged-up gills.

Heating we are longing to put off to save the bills.

So stoke up your boilers and let heat fly free

Not too much mind, we do not need over heating.

Push the bombastic winter on it’s way

To another country where their welcome mat is out

For you to dance, shout, storm about dropping rain

So they can thrive and carry on living again.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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