Aug 18, 2023



Did I awake unable to move and puzzled?

An unbearable weight,

Stopped me from leaving my bed.

No matter how I tried, 

I just wanted to stay safe.

I was fine on going to bed,

Last night, or was I?

The doubt niggled, 

When did I last feel fine, 

Comfortable in my own skin, 

My mouth’s so dry.

The effort of thinking, 

Probing was almost too much.

Sleep, sleep, sleep,

What is needed is sleep.

Yet the oblivion was denied, 

The weight pressed harder.

My heart picked up it’s pace, 

Race, race, race, 

Panic death awaits.

Speech is denied, 

Who is there to trust? 

Who can see beneath the mask of normality,

Secured in place by me?

The key to control is mine, 

To find the good in me!

To forgive and deal with the things,

That need to be spoken, 

Freely in the open, 

With no need for blame or perfection. 

Close the door firmly on rejection, 

Allow praise, forgiveness 

And understanding to slowly move in.

There are new life pages 

Ready for my changes, 

The weight is lifting. 

I am back in control, 

Tomorrow is another challenge for me, 

I can wriggle free I have the key.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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