Aug 1, 2023




The neighbourhood has been alerted as Lily has not been seen for days. 

It was amazing she never knew how popular she was, till he failed to appear on his familiar rounds. 

So Lily set off to explore, got himself into a mess when through an open door he decided to explore. 

The gale slammed it shut, at first, she did not mind as there were smells to investigate.

A cosy chair to take repose, but as the hours' pass, hunger and thirst made her pace and call out in disgust. 

“Open up someone and let me home.” 

No one came till day four, Lily was feeling rather poorly, and despair was creeping in, kept alive by a drip of water collecting and falling along the back wall. 

Suddenly she was woken from his despairing doze. 

The door swung open, Lily was up and as swiftly as he could manage, slid out the door, homeward bound.

Grateful to have her freedom and home back, which he was not going to stray from for a while. 

Everyone was delighted to see Lily back, she had never had so much patting and cuddles.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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