Aug 18, 2023



While having a cup of coffee in a small fishing village in Spain, a young girl of about seven or eight, came over and chatted away in rapid Spanish. 

She bent down, picked up a young dog of about three months old and placed her in my lap.

‘Mimi, Mimi,’ she repeated.

I accepted her puppy and gently stroked her talking in bits of Spanish I had accumulated. 

The dog settled comfortably and the girl chatted on to me with lots of arm movements. 

I said I did not speak Spanish. 

Her mother called her, to tell her what I had said.

She just moved nearer and carried on chatting. 

The dog lay unconcerned she did not need any translation. 

She just enjoyed the universal language of love and touch and willingly gave her trust. 

It was a special moment for me to treasure.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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