Jul 9, 2023



I was sitting writing at my desk with Lily relaxed on her cushion. When she sat up abruptly startling me. I looked above my laptop lid to see what was happening.

I laughed as two young foxes were playing with an empty butter carton, fighting over it on top of each other. Throwing it up in the air, before scrapping again. It was amusing to watch.

All of a sudden they stopped and headed for the wild pond to have a drink. I continued to watch as one headed towards their den hidden between our neighbourhood gardens. 

The other came nearer to the house. I wondered what he was going to do. I almost burst out laughing, which would have scared him off. 

He was eating the loganberries growing on the lower branches of the bushes. I could not believe what he did next, he stretched up to his full height and pulled the branches laden with loganberries down towards him. 

He was having a wonderful feast. 

I did not know foxes ate berries, now I have to inform my young man what was happening to the Loganberrys, and why he only had a few for us.

Our garden is a hive of wildlife activity, which keeps Lily and me amused.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 

Photo: Pixabay License

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