Jul 5, 2023



At the village of El Callito, in Ferunture, the lagoons just South of the town became one of our favorite spots, with its sandy bays and paddling pools. We found ourselves a good place and settled down, but not before noticing a dog swimming in the sea with two people. 

We thought they were together, which later proved not to be the case. He was a large, slightly shaggy black coated dog, with a small patch of white on his chest and floppy over, unable to stand up ears. It soon became clear he was on his own and to our astonishment, diligently fishing.

He would scramble up onto the rocks, gaze into the water and suddenly jump into a pool before scrambling out again. Standing still, he would peer intently down into the water. He’d lunge forward with his two front feet, hoping to catch the fish, he saw swimming about in the water below him. 

Time and again he tried, then moved to other rocks and pools to repeat his efforts. Only once, in the time we were there, did he come out of the water. 

He came to greet us and shook his water-filled wet fur all over us, then rolled in the sand to dry off his coat. Before his next move, which covered us in the wet sand as he shook his coat clean. 

We noted he wore a wide leather collar and looked well cared for. If his wagging tail was anything to go by, he was a very happy beach combing dog. He enjoyed his own company with the occasional pat from temporary beach friends. I felt it was a real privilege to have met him.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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