Jul 19, 2023



What do you say to a leg that has been with you since birth.

Supporting, lifting, moving you around. Protecting your landing when you jump off, with risk and adventure onto the ground.

A graze or two you have suffered when miscalculations were made. You have stood upright for ages in school attendance parades. Disaster when it came caught the whole of me in it’s grip, Yet you alone managed to keep your muscle attachments, in check.

As nerves rattled and shook out of control taking my balance away on my left. You stayed calm and strong with the occasional tweak and squeak of pain. As I tried to stand and move my body painfully along.

So it continued through out my life, yet my left leg suffered more in the disaster than you. Not fair it is true, it had to cope with multiple injuries over time too.

Now old age is making itself felt, for the first time you are the one complaining. Arthritis is attacking you, not fair after all you have had to endure. I certainly do not want to lose you, if there is anything we can do.

So a walking stick has become a bit of a reliable saviour, helping us to soldier on for goodness knows how long. Thank you right leg, for all that you have done and are doing for me. You have been truly amazing.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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