Jun 20, 2023



We have a pair of pigeons nesting in a bush in the garden. 

Constantly being viewed, when passing through, by three foxes, always on the lookout for an opportunity for a quick meal. 

I love listening in on their conversations and wish I understood pigeon talk. 

Lily the cat has to be a spectator to all the goings-on outside in the garden, as she has to be wary of the growing size of the foxes. If they are hungry enough, she too could be added to the menu. 

The pigeons have all the mod cons: drinking and bathing facilities, including dust mite cleaning service, as well as insects galore, and just planted runner beans, the crop we love growing the most for fresh tasty greens. 

We have to keep going out to move the birds away from the bean patch. I just hope we have saved enough for plates full of runner beans later. We shall just have to wait a while. 

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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