Jun 19, 2023



Hello Wobblers

I hope you have been managing to dodge the pesky bugs, high pollen counts, and poor air quality ratings that have been attacking parts of the world at the moment. They tend to disrupt our ability to enjoy some really beautiful summer days. 

However, we are glancing upwards, looking for the life-reviving showers of rain to break the drought. The other half of the world is trying hard to keep warm and dry, some places receiving more than their fair share of that essential commodity, rain, impacting the harvests necessary for next year. 

The wars still grind on and humans seem to destroy more than they build. I’m not sure that is true; it just seems that way, disrupting peaceful living, and dispersing families, sometimes forever. 

However, amongst this devastation, in the most unlikely places, hope finds a way through. The human spirit has the most amazing capacity to seize the moment and thrive. 

Some see the need to be politically aware and to hold politicians to account on promises they make which require large sums of money. These promises are impossible to attain, with the funds unaccountably vanishing. If you pay, it is reasonable to have a say on how your contributions are spent and accounted for. The only way is to attend your local council and government meetings to make sure your votes count and see that the person you vote for has your and your nation’s best interests at heart. 

Yet there are some fantastic friendships being made at sports events around the world, enjoyed by all ages and races, breaking down the invisible barriers, the unspoken taboos. Some run or play out of their comfort zones, in memory of a loved one, raising much needed research and community funds. 

Huge musical events, so uplifting, encourage thousands to join together to dance and sing, with hidden benefits of friendship and sharing of ideas to take home to benefit their communities and themselves. There is love, too, swirling about, as first encounters progress through time to more meaningful relationships. 

My two good news stories this month revolve around a need being fulfilled. 

The first is about a blood test which has the potential to single out fifty different types of cancer, allowing them to be specifically targeted without invasive, painful and unnecessary testing, and is now being trialled in different countries to see if it lives up to expectations. If it worked in only half that number of cases, it would be wonderful. If it reaches what is hoped for, it will seem like a miracle to many. 

My second is matching a need at both ends of our life cycle: loneliness, housing support and comfort. There are the young who need to leave home for whatever reason, who cannot afford or are denied a place in the diminishing supply of accommodation, putting them at risk of exploitation and fear. 

Then there are the elderly who, through a multitude of circumstances, sometimes find themselves alone, in a home too big for them, in need of company and some support. There is an umbrella organisation called Home Share, which has links to 25 similar organisations, who carefully match an elderly person with a young adult. They compare and match lifestyles and needs as much as possible and keep, as I understand it, a watching brief; there is a fee. I first saw this in an interview on the BBC and thought it was a great idea; the participants thought so, too. 

What good news stories can you share with us? Have a think and let's increase the amount of good news being shared by us on the internet. 

Thank you all, old and new friends, for following us, and supporting, reading and sharing stories and poems here with us. Thank you to the WobblingPen team for the hours spent putting together our pages for everyone to enjoy. Thank you also for the friendship, fun, joy and laughter we share while doing it. 

Our world needs more and more unrecorded TRUE good news stories, to balance up the bad; to be sent out onto the internet, to increase the knowledge and incentive of the TRUE goodness and value of humans to themselves and to others, taking the premise that it is the little things that count. 

AI is here: let’s give it good things to think about. Let’s promote the best things of being living, caring, human beings; no computer can TRUTHFULLY replicate that. 

Become living storytellers wherever you are. 

Take care, stay safe and share things when you can, the best being to pass a smile along. 

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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