Apr 30, 2023




I am a Wobbler,

Yes, I am!

Wobble in and out

When I can.

Carrying stories,

Within and without.

Some I cry, shout,

Laugh out loud about it.

If you sign on.

You carry this logo,

Around with you.

You're a Wobbler! 

You're a Wobbler too!

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Apr 29, 2023




Is this the first you have ever written now compelled to share. Once you have thrown it, onto the page in triumph or despair.

Maybe it’s been extracted word by word, conjuring up sentences discarded never to be heard.

It is done, the decision made to send, yet still paused. You leave it sitting waiting, while another cup of tea is poured.

Days later you cast a glance once more. Only to be tricked into changing a word to a line.

Send it, send it, now, courage calls it is launch time Your finger hits the button, too late and you wonder does it all rhyme.

It is gone.

Gathering your thoughts once more you write, your next poem with more confidence this time.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Poetry Month


Poetry should be, 

barrier-free little jewels of thought 

that capture the emotions.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 25, 2023




Poetry is words to grasp onto

Drawn from the deepest parts of our being.

To be scattered on the inhospitable ground.

Till a crack of soft earth and moisture,

Allows grass to grow and sheep to graze.

To cast out a wisp of wool 

To be developed into a blanket of comfort.

For others to grasp and hold.

Leading them to a better place

Mentally and physically.

That to me is the power of poetry.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 22, 2023




I read a poem this morning

That opened wide my eyes.

Made me shake up my thinking

And quickly realise.

I could do a whole lot better if,

I concentrated much harder,

Believed in myself a great deal more.

Perhaps spreading the need for self-belief

To others stuck in the same wretched disbelief hole.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 21, 2023

Happy Poetry Month




An address book. Once everyone who had to write to friends and family had one. A drama occurred when it was mislaid or lost.

As telephones were few and far between in the early days, and families were in the process of splitting up not just to wed and move to the next village. Sea voyages and others countries became the next port of call. Plus inland journeys to more remote parts so an address book lost could mean parting forever.

I had a different instance of an address book being rediscovered, setting off a delightful reunion after about 38 years. A friend on turning out a drawer to move house discovered her old address book. Intrigued she flipped through it to see if she could find anyone still living in the same place. With ingenuity, she changed the London code and found us. What a delight that was. We arranged for her to come with her husband all the way from Norfolk for a lunch here.

I also invited my friend and neighbour with her young son to join us. As her husband was sadly visiting his father and supporting the family after he had a rather extensive stroke.

The conversation was lively and reminiscent, and full of laughter as we racked our brains to remember people we both used to know well. Then there were the questions to fill in the missing years as best we could. It was great fun and the meal was consumed without us really noticing. The meal was chicken, tarragon, onion, lemon, orange, garlic and cream sauce with rice, brockly and cauliflower. The conversation flew from Greece to New Zealand, Kenya, to Scotland we had a great deal of catching up to do.

I manage to pop into the kitchen long enough, to with help, bring in the Pavolova, and fresh fruit of the forest, to be served at the table. It is the only time thick cream comes into the house, except for meringues of course.

They were intrigued with WobblingPen and wanted to know more about it. The result is they had a few lovely suggestions for our Website, which we are looking at, at the moment.

Plus some marketing ideas, for which I for one was very grateful. The day drew to a close so quickly, arrangements were made to meet again very soon down in Norfolk.

Once they had gone my lovely neighbour helped us break the back of the clearing and wash up. I decided to use my best China for the occasion. After all, if I do not use it now, it will never be used. So hand washing became the order of the day too delicate for the dishwasher. Gave my friend and my time for a womanly chat as we worked.

Then we waved her across the lawn with her son, who had joined in very well, as well as playing as the goalkeeper on his phone. I found it curious that he kept winning I will ask him to tell me his secret next time he calls.

So ended a wonderful day that might not have happened but for opening an old drawer and finding the address book.

For the remainder of the visit sat next to the Television, with a beautiful multi-flowering orchid.

Have a look at your old address, see who you can find, who you have lost touch with. Hopefully, you have the sought of reunion we had.

Take care and take time to visit someone who lives alone, it will make their day.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 19, 2023




I never thought I would live like this. 

Picking up a pen to write was abhorrent to me. 

I am dyslexic, you see.

Now, each moment spent recording my thoughts 

and allowing stories to run free rein is such bliss.

I rue all the years I have missed, 

when I could have lived like this.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 14, 2023



As the moon takes over the night sky, 

Eyelids lower and breath slows to quiet sighs, 

And dreams take you on a journey.

Till the birdsong awakes you

And sun dances on your eyelashes 

To declare a new day has arrived.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 11, 2023



As I opened the door, it started.

In the wakening dawn, a bird started its morning song.

I had to stand and listen in the cold air, as the chorus grew into a sweet neighbourhood conversation.

It is amazing to realise that, though we live in such close proximity, there are only limited times when we connect and listen to one another.

Screams of fear and rage, no matter when, make me move to a door or window, ready to repel a stalking cat, or larger bird, leaving you to live in peace.

There are times when I have need of quiet contemplation at the beginning or end of a day. Your lovely singing intrudes, capturing my attention, soothing away any concerns I have.

It is strange, as you must listen, too, to the ups and downs coming from our house, making decisions when to hide or pop outside, dodging the neighbourhood cats who often saunter around our garden on an adventure or just passing through.

I value our coexistence; long may it continue, and I hope you think so, too.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 4, 2023



Would you like a story?

Would you like a tale?

One filled with terror, murder and mystery?

Or maybe one dodging bomb blasts and bullets, across a country at war?

Perhaps a sweet little fairy tale, to gently take you away from it all?

Maybe you would love the thrill of a romance that sweeps you into someone’s arms,

Embracing in the moonlight, on a ship’s deck, engines pulsating gently beneath your feet.

Or how about a journey across an immense desert, swaying on a camel’s back, with stars twinkling in the darkness as companions overhead, shining light from millions of miles away, lighting up the canopy in a most spectacular way?

Or would you like to meet an animal never seen before, who does not want to hurt or eat you, just love you forever more?

Each one of these is possible, lying tucked up in your bed.

With a book in hand, written by a writer with an imagination, capable of leaving the gift of wonderful stories, to be relieved again and again inside your head.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 3, 2023




The day ended; the work did not.

I have to put in all the hours I can to save this shop.

A family business for generations it has been; I cannot let it go.

The next generation is about to be born here.

The wife is upstairs in bed with her sister attending; doctor is on his way.

It should be me, but the orders awaiting delivery cannot wait, or the business will fail.

A hope was extended with this order of more items of greater value, if this one was delivered on time.

So I gather myself to work even faster, with ears waiting for the first newborn cry.

Then it will be worth it: the sacrifices of my wife and me.

Hours past I longed to be by my wife's side, yet I dared not.

The cry my ears longed to hear burst loudly into life; then came the news. 

You have a son; love from your wife.

Two more parcels to go, then I can head upstairs.

With the knowledge the future for a while will be secured, with a new partner, my son, and a substantial customer with new business flowing our way. 

This business will not finally close today.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 1, 2023



A drip, a drop, heard to go plop

Long awaited to quench our thirst of us 

And our parched land.

Ears straining to catch the drops quickening.

To hear the rain’s first gentle patter,

Before a torrent falls to fill wells 

And rivers and reservoirs for all.

Just hope it turns off before a flood appears 

With which many cannot live.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License