Apr 11, 2023



As I opened the door, it started.

In the wakening dawn, a bird started its morning song.

I had to stand and listen in the cold air, as the chorus grew into a sweet neighbourhood conversation.

It is amazing to realise that, though we live in such close proximity, there are only limited times when we connect and listen to one another.

Screams of fear and rage, no matter when, make me move to a door or window, ready to repel a stalking cat, or larger bird, leaving you to live in peace.

There are times when I have need of quiet contemplation at the beginning or end of a day. Your lovely singing intrudes, capturing my attention, soothing away any concerns I have.

It is strange, as you must listen, too, to the ups and downs coming from our house, making decisions when to hide or pop outside, dodging the neighbourhood cats who often saunter around our garden on an adventure or just passing through.

I value our coexistence; long may it continue, and I hope you think so, too.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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