Mar 16, 2023



Sleepy head, can’t get to bed.

Keep seeing something I need to put away.

Can’t wait till morning.

Sleepy head, can’t just get up and go.

Seen a meal I have to prepare

To save time in the morning.

Sleepy head, it will not take a mo.

The cat has to be toileted and fed.

That cannot be delayed till morning.

Sleepy head, don’t leave it.

The kitchen is a mess; tidy or regret,

As you will have to face it in the morning.

Sleepy head, last look around

As you stagger to bed.

Too tired for a hug, just a call-out.

Apologies for any snoring.

Please turn off the light before too long.

Love you lots; see you in the morning.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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