Mar 16, 2023




I saw an ant out scouting indoors.

Must have come in on our gardening shoes.

And hopped upon the floor.

I was as surprised to see it,

As it was amazed to see me.

We are puzzled by this thing called climate change.

As, instead of becoming warmer,

We are headed into a deep freeze once more.

Do not worry; I am not going to kill you.

I just want to return you to the great outdoors.

To a crack in the patio paving, where I have seen you before,

Marching in columns, carrying debris from the garden.

Below ground, you use what you need to feed the queen,

Then break it all down, before industriously pushing what is left

Up and out to be scattered into the soil once more,

As part of life’s merry-go-round and recycling scheme.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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