Nov 7, 2022




Silently they stood at attention dressed in uniforms from all services.

Expectantly waiting for the shouted command.

It came and with the coffin of their Queen on a gun carriage, they marched off as one, boots following the beat of the drum.

Breaths blew 200 bagpipes into life joining the drums rat ta tat.

Men proudly marched in uniforms bright red, light blue and navy dark, with regalia and medals shining brightly.

Multi-coloured kilts swung in unison in a flurry of colour.

Other service bands joined in the orchestration of tunes favourites old and new.

A bell tolled a sorrowful sound ninety- six times during the journey to the final resting place.

At the Abbey, door music stopped, yet feet marched atmospherically on a few paces till called to halt.

With her family, the great and the good gathered from around the world awaiting their last opportunity to say farewell to their Queen and ours Elizabeth II.

Favourite Hymns and Prayers to send her on her heavenly journey.

Before the procession carried her to her final rest to join her husband’s remains in St George’s Chapel Windsor, all her earthly work was completed, as she moved into the comfort of God’s hands.

Another soldier a chief of soldiers now rests, all duties complete.

2022 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 

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