Nov 11, 2022

The Magic Repair Shop


A name which brings a smile and interest when it’s name is mentioned.

Set in the country, in a quiet rural spot, the shop sits snugly with a cosy thatched rooftop.

Protecting the experts working away with ancient skills to restore broken treasures,

To restore memories of family members, many are grieving still.

Stories of accidental damage to treasured possessions from family, friends, or colleagues with gifts thought beyond repair.

Though tenderly kept, as considered far too precious to throw away.

Histories and colours of the gift related to the expert, so they could reconstruct and restore, not stripping the heart and memories from the piece.

Anxiously leaving their treasured possession in expert caring hands.

Awaiting the summons, “Your repair is now complete, awaiting collection.”

The way up to the door with emotions and anxiety bubbling, as they are greeted and welcomed in.

They pause before the shrouded precious item, experts waiting anxiously to display for approval, the repair laboured with the sensitivity of their skilled hands.

“Ready!" Sometimes only a nod and a smile, with a drawn-in breath.

A whisk of material and there before anxious eyes, a gasp smothered by a hand, tears slipping thankfully free.

“It is beautiful, as it used to be! Thank you, thank you, the family will be so pleased.”

A handshake, with treasure clasped in careful hands, or if heavy, lifted gently by all into the safety of a car. Before the final wave and the contented memory-filled journey home.

2022 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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