Aug 26, 2022



Leaving home where I live, is not a natural thing. 

Fear cloaks and surrounds you as you go innocently on your way. 

Hoping you will not meet a knife carrier on the street today. 

It is amazing, that they have not learnt that it does not give them strength. 

It is the means to take their life away too. 

After the attack, many perpetrators are caught within hours and after a trial in jail packed. 

Under threat from attack from other criminals, never knowing who has your back. 

Afraid to be alone or one of a pack, or to be singled out for too much praise. 

Which gives rise to other inmates' jealousy and rage. 

Leaving two families in different ways forever changed and no way back. 

So before you pick up the knife remember it has the power to destroy many lives. 

Not just now but for generations to come, destroying yours too. 

If not caught, the guilt will weigh you down and fear will reside in your chest. 

You will never be the man you wanted to be, a man of worth, respected. 

Cloaked not in fear, but in the arms of generations of a loving family. 

The choice is yours, mine too, never to carry a knife anywhere with you.

2022 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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