Aug 26, 2022



Once again I am left alone at home, it is that time again. 

All the children have packed their school bags, shouted goodbye and walked out the door. 

Mum and Dad have snatched a breakfast, gathered belongings, calling back as they shut the door, be a good dog it won’t be for long. 

Silence falls, as I do a checking run to see if anyone has stayed home with me. 

No such luck I am alone! 

I look at my dishes to see what I can drink or eat, nothing there in my loneliness appeals to me. 

I check all the chairs to find one that will be a comfort for me to jump up and sink into, without a voice saying get down! 

Down! Stay off! Off! 

Settling for a long wait, as from experience I know, I have to wait and wait. 

Chasing indoors any occasional person who hovers near our gate. 

We have no way to manage time, only with our noses, sniffing, sniffing. 

Or our ears on high alert, for footsteps approaching familiar to us over time. Is that them! Is it! 

My tail goes in rapid motion, a whine starts in my throat, faster faster. 

It is! t is time to bark my head off, welcome home, welcome home everybody! 

As they have all come home together. Now the fun begins, time to eat when it is ready, then off for a walk and a good ball game. 

This is the time of day that I love.

When we are all settled down, to watch their I-pads and the TV, I lay my head on my favourite persons lap. 

It is certainly the best time of day for me. 

With all my family safely home in our house, ready to start another day tomorrow. 

Oh how I wish there was another way and I could go to school too.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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