Jul 16, 2022



In the beginning we were unable to support our own weight and were carried.

Gradually we grew, strengthened, challenged, demanded and loved still supported.

School brought all sorts of new experiences, feelings and insecurities to explore.

The chance of friendship, of being part of a group, or selecting a few special friends, or dealing with bullies.

Testing the ties and challenging relationships with our parents.

Do they really love me, when they set down rules I do not like?

How do I know it is for my good? How do I know their love is true?

Will they always be there for me? My fear is of being alone, before I can stand on my own feet.

As school ends and University, College and on job training, searching for employment of any kind, becomes urgent for our future survival and our country’s.

Hormones start their demands on our feelings and love real or imaginary takes up decision making thinking.

Home making comes as part of the package of accounting and budgeting, with the need for higher wages, houses to rent or purchase and responsibilities for others, children and in some cases parents and pets.

Doing without, to save for the future as best you can, as the future is always uncertain, dependent at times to things outside you or your country’s control.

Together with a partner protecting as much as possible at this time in your life.

Sadly not all of us will be able to hold a partnership or family together, putting further stress on life as we know it.

The time will come for children to leave home, starting their own life journey.

Some will never return home, others will come and go, others will be unable to leave.

For a while you balance all these parts of life together, before age and retirement beckons.

Health issues encroach more than before, jobs round the home and in the garden take longer, needing help and support, a feeling you find uncomfortable to ask for.

Posture changes, pace slows and becomes painful and awkward.

Age is not all gloom, help is offered on buses in shops, and at home where you may be loved and cherished. Laughter comes much easier than before small things amuse.

The young of today are much more interested in our past histories than ever before. Importantly they are also becoming active in fighting for the health of the world we live in now and in the future.

It gives us the pleasure of sharing our knowledge gathered in the life we have lived, good or bad.

As we slowly lose the power of fluid movement and seek comfort, amusement, care and companionship to erase loneliness.

If we live long enough as many of us do, we will need total care, as we did when we were young. The difference we each hope, is that our brains will still be working with knowledge, amusement, compassion and love, till it is time to say goodbye and slip off on another journey of growth and discovery.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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