Jul 18, 2022



I am in a state, I always knew there were other cats in a house near by. I just never saw them except every now and then sitting on the window sill or perched on the back of the couch. Now one of them has had the nerve to come out into my garden.

What a cheek! I rushed over to see her off, but she was not going to go easily. She settled down for a stand off. I approached with caution, as she was bigger than me. I made the most awful noise explaining this was my lawn, my house, she had no business to be there.

She just shouted back, ‘You have had it long enough to yourself, I have seen you, queening over everything.’

What does she mean? I have lived here for years, she has just arrived! What am I going to do? Suddenly she sprayed the bush near her front door, then moved towards me and crouched down again this time opening and closing her mouth with no sound.

She has changed her mind, she is trying to be friendly using her flehmen response, for those who don’t know, she is not speaking but smelling and tasting me! Slowly creeping forwards, that’s better.

Looks as though we might be starting a friendship of sorts. I can’t rush this, otherwise, she will think I am a pushover. I am going off home and I will spray my bushes on the way. Wow! That is quite enough excitement for one day.

Time for a relaxing snooze. I wonder what she is called? I’ll keep my ears open and find out tomorrow. You wait till I tell Satu, he will be amazed.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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