Jul 28, 2022



To the cradle of the forest, I am drawn when sad, allowing tears to fall unchecked in solitude.

Listening between sobs, for birds soothing calming songs. My mind slowly releases the hurt holding me back, as the wind rustles the leaves into a conversation.

On passing caresses, my face dry with it’s gentle tender touch. I look round at the years of death decay and regeneration, with water the bringer of life, waltzing through. Bursting into new growth, covering the tree canopy in fresh green.

The floor is decorated with multiple scented colourful entrancements. Soothing my spirit, as insects join the chorus, reminding me, sadness is not meant to last forever.

As small amounts of joyful memories carry me to a new day!

2022 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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