Jul 27, 2022



Motivational Strips 4th Anniversary Literary Festival 


I heard of Motivational Strips,

Through a friend who encouraged me.

Putting pen to paper, 

Words would appear awash in anxiety.

I am dyslexic you see!

The fear that has terrorised my life,

When written work was requested.

My mastery of the spoken word was scrambled,

When released by my pen.

As spelling and punctuation were and still are,

A complete mystery to me.

No matter how hard I tried, 

Disaster was all I achieved.

So a storyteller I became, 

To release my tales to inform and amuse.

Dodging the need to record them 

In a book or on the internet.

With encouragement from friends 

And reliant on Spell Check,

I pressed send and off sped my effort to Motivational Strips.

In trepidation I checked the page, 

And a magical line appeared accepted by an admin.

The anxiety increased. 

They are great writers, 

Would they understand me?

What I have to share is everyday material, in a plain way.

Not like the literary giants of today and others long gone, 

With deep thoughts and sparking form.

With words beautiful to use 

And hear when read aloud from a book.

My hands shook when the likes 

And comments started to follow me.

Emotions hit me from all over the place, 

Here at last I feel comfortable enough to write.

The years have past, 

Motivational Strips has encouraged me all the way.

I have a small place in the world of writing, 

Though errors still slip through.

The task is now to encourage others to join us 

And see what they can do.

Motivational Strips itself has not stood still, 

It has advanced into many countries.

Seeking writers of good writing, 

And storytelling straight from the heart.

Encouraging young writers, 

With initiatives for them to take part.

Motivational Strips works because it is not propelled by one person.

Each member has a say and helps it expand internationally through admins, artists, media and management back to the main front man Shiju H. Pallithazheth

Penny Wobbly is a thankful member of Motivational Strips, looking forward to the next exciting year of new members and wonderful writing.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Motivational Strips

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