Jun 29, 2022



I woke in anger no idea why!

Pulled back the curtains and saw a troubled sky.

The image filled my vision,

Causing emotions to calm and slowly dissipate.

Turning anger to wonder,

As my eyes swept the fast-changing settling sky.

Presenting me with a beautiful mood lifting day.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jun 28, 2022



As twilight gently nudges day into the cloak of darkest night.

The stars and moon dance their drama slipping in and out of shrouding clouds.

Slowly a peep of light starts to expand, the sun powering it’s way through easing the darkness away.

Bringing light, warmth, growth, comfort and activity as it makes it’s way, across the sky.

There is no stopping either cycle, they are vital, or all on earth will surely die.

2022 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jun 27, 2022



Our journey started with high hopes,

saying tearful goodbye to family and friends.

We packed our lives and histories into our bags,

Well all we could share and carry with us.

With sights set on that safe and promised land.

As the miles on sea and foot stretched before us,

weariness sapped our hope.

We shed belonging as with weight we could not cope.

Robbers attacked every convenient stopping water spot.

They each demanded something and wrenched it away.

There was kindness shown by some,

but to others we were disposable and in the way.

We cheered one another up, by crossing off each dangerous day.

The weather was moody, rain, wind, sun and snow.

I am not sure which we hated the most, as the journey began to slow.

At last we stood on the shore, paying everything we had,

to be secreted across the sea to that blessed promised land.

The last miles were the longest, the sea was not our friend,

it wanted to upend us, only god intervened to protect us.

On landing we were told you cannot stay here, 

Rwanda is now your journey's end.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jun 26, 2022

Certificate of Literary 2022



Certificate of Literary  - Penny Wobbly, UK

Getting an honour from Motivational Strips means authentic testimonial to your literary career.

This honour was commissioned by  Motivational Strips as a tribute to the 161st birth anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore, in joint association with SIPAY journal, national property of Department of Culture, Government of Seychelles. 

Jun 24, 2022



Barns doors open wide to welcome the cold weary animals inside.

Drawn by the smell of oats to eat and straw to roll.

With water placed available in each stall.

Providing comfort for stiff joints and frozen horses hooves.

In the rafters snuggly tucked down, sit two owls feathers covering their claws.

Watching stragglers, slowly making their way in before the barn doors close.

A neigh of welcome comes echoing from a stall in the dark.

An hour passes as their owner approaches wearily lamp in hand.

To sling blankets onto their backs to keep them warm for the night.

Before closing the doors and leaving them secure till the morn.

Stay safe and rest my friends, till the new day dawns.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



The whispering started as I approached.

I slowed down my walking

I did not want to encroach.

Was it love just starting

Or ending in recriminations and reproach.

I turned and left them to it

To return another day

To gather the words and feelings to begin a new play.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Jane Risdon

Jun 19, 2022



In my dreams last night, 

I could not get rid of a terrible sight.

Clocks glowing, multiple faces showings, 

Arms waving going around and around.

It was alarming!

It stopped when my alarm started calling, 

I had been scared of sleeping in 

and missing an exam in the morning.

Thank goodness I was only dreaming!

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jun 17, 2022

WobblingPen after Penny Wobbly


I use my Pen name for a very good reason. I am so longer young, though I hope to be around a while, God willing.

My wish is that if anything should happen to me and I am unable to continue writing, someone else will step up and continue as ’Wobbly after Me.’ 

‘Wobbly after Me,’ would have to follow the style and guidelines we have worked on so far.

We love what we learn, do and pass on, on this site. 

As for the people we meet, they are amazing, bursting with a talent for writing, music, art, new inventions, the environment we live in, all bundled up strongly with hopes and great compassion.

It is not all roses, we sympathetically see anger, frustration, loss, depression and great sadness. 

We watch life's drama unfolds and help where we can, as often as we can with just laughter, words, tears and more laughter, in the main, it seems to help, many of you have told us so.

The World is full of silently brave people. We salute you all.

That is why I am Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Jun 14, 2022



In mid-stride, on the bridge, 

a sunning newt caught my eye.

We looked long and hard at one another. 

Before a bird swooped down for a tasty snack. 

My newt dived down so deep 

the bird missed the morsel it meant to eat.

I was glad and sad all at once, 

as the bird had to hunt again for another lunch. 

And my newt was put on high alert, 

not relaxing and warming in the sun. 

As I thoughtfully walked slowly on.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay

Jun 13, 2022



I cannot stop my trembling hands,

As sorrow slips tears from my eyes.

I cannot stop my beating heart,

As I have responsibilities left by you.

I cannot fail you now or later,

Or it would be as if you had not lived.

I can remember all you shared with me,

And pass it on.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Born at the right time,
In the right Place!
With the right Parents,
And in the right Country!

Supporting her people,
At home and abroad,
During good times and bad.

Only history will be able to judge her,
In her rightful place in our past.

Reign on.
Elizabeth R

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: The Royal Household © Crown Copyright

Jun 11, 2022



On opening my eyelids to gaze at the dawn, my thoughts awaken to tasks yet to be worked on

I fight back please not yet, let me slide back into slumber and the comfort of my bed.

There are days when I can’t wait for that glimmer of light, so I can arise full of energy, to start the day in delight.

Not today, not today it is my wish to stay here well hidden, no energy left for planning, another hour and I should be alright.

My eyelids lower to block out the light to return to the dark of a purposefully extended comfortable night.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jun 10, 2022



I am slim, elegant, mysterious and people find me most alluring.

A golden band crowns my head, I add status it is said when I am introduced during an evening.

Yet, in the raw, I am wizened and drawn, not nice to know and you would pass me by, uncertain.

Though my power is not in either of these, but in my smoke uncurling.

When I breeze in I hit the skin, and it does appear as though you start aging.

Oh, what a shame!

Future generations need to fear me, as when I am around they may never even get a chance to appear.

What a tragedy!

If you have aspirations to be fast in sport and sexy in bed, watch out for me, as I will make you a joke.

The shy and unsure swear I make them appear sexy and strong.

I have to laugh as they have got it all wrong; it's just a trick to keep them trapped.

It will be years before they will really know the legacy I am leaving.

Then they will swear and curse that they had ever met one of us.

Only then will it be revealed that, through smoking, cancer has appeared and it takes an awful lot of healing.

So, before you are caught, try to refuse an invitation from the likes of me, no matter how smart and alluring.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jun 4, 2022



The loss leaves a weight hard to move, though it becomes slowly more comfortable with time.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Clouds are fantastic scene stealers!

Take a moment to look up and admire.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jun 3, 2022



We all need time and space to clear our heads, to have priorities sorted and efforts made to pick up life's threads.

It's all very well to be down to earth and practical, but our spirit needs careful nurturing to be contactable.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jun 2, 2022



Sitting quietly,

Allowing my brain to roam.

I woke to find,

To sleep I had gone.

Can´t remember now,

What I was pondering on.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License