Jun 17, 2022

WobblingPen after Penny Wobbly


I use my Pen name for a very good reason. I am so longer young, though I hope to be around a while, God willing.

My wish is that if anything should happen to me and I am unable to continue writing, someone else will step up and continue as ’Wobbly after Me.’ 

‘Wobbly after Me,’ would have to follow the style and guidelines we have worked on so far.

We love what we learn, do and pass on, on this site. 

As for the people we meet, they are amazing, bursting with a talent for writing, music, art, new inventions, the environment we live in, all bundled up strongly with hopes and great compassion.

It is not all roses, we sympathetically see anger, frustration, loss, depression and great sadness. 

We watch life's drama unfolds and help where we can, as often as we can with just laughter, words, tears and more laughter, in the main, it seems to help, many of you have told us so.

The World is full of silently brave people. We salute you all.

That is why I am Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

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