Jun 10, 2022



I am slim, elegant, mysterious and people find me most alluring.

A golden band crowns my head, I add status it is said when I am introduced during an evening.

Yet, in the raw, I am wizened and drawn, not nice to know and you would pass me by, uncertain.

Though my power is not in either of these, but in my smoke uncurling.

When I breeze in I hit the skin, and it does appear as though you start aging.

Oh, what a shame!

Future generations need to fear me, as when I am around they may never even get a chance to appear.

What a tragedy!

If you have aspirations to be fast in sport and sexy in bed, watch out for me, as I will make you a joke.

The shy and unsure swear I make them appear sexy and strong.

I have to laugh as they have got it all wrong; it's just a trick to keep them trapped.

It will be years before they will really know the legacy I am leaving.

Then they will swear and curse that they had ever met one of us.

Only then will it be revealed that, through smoking, cancer has appeared and it takes an awful lot of healing.

So, before you are caught, try to refuse an invitation from the likes of me, no matter how smart and alluring.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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