Apr 24, 2022


Words from my pen just fly.

Where do they come from?

Who knows, not I!

The subjects vastly differ: from home and away,

Words people use day by day.

I am just the Pen that places them on the page.

To be read from age to age.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 21, 2022

The Penny Took A Long Time Dropping


There are times when ordinary conversations turn from sensible to hysterical in a moment.

Last night was one of those times. Anna and I started a perfectly ordinary conversation on the subject of adapting a house, to make some room changes.

I explained what I planned to do, when Anna said, “and the TV could go in the hall, people have it there these days.”

I thought for a moment then asked, “Why on earth should I have to stand up in the hall to watch the television, when we have two perfectly suitable rooms to watch it in already.”

There was a pause, followed by frantic banging on the wall before the penny dropped.

Her lovely Portuguese accent had got in the way she meant wall not hall.

We could not stop laughing for ages.

As I drew the picture of us standing in the hall watching the television.

Anna said, my face was a picture of puzzlement, as I tried to work out why she thought we needed to do such a thing.

We thought we would share this classic bit of Wobbly humour with you, to lighten your day.

Another recent classic, was when Anna chose to post a story I wrote about a dog called Blackie. When I looked at the post the next day there was a picture of a beautiful golden Labrador, not a flea-bitten tripe hound called Blackie. 

Laughter was the order of the day then as well.

We have decided to share more Wobbly humour with you, as it occurs, as life is far too serious at the moment.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen



Oh, I am on my own!

I long for a touch someone to love.

I am here in a crowded place, yet few see my face.

They talk over my head to others instead, avoiding me and moving on.

I stick it as long as I am able, before turning, leaving as quickly as I can.

They part like a wave, with no move to encourage me to stay.

No one knows me here, I refuse to remain.

I cannot go out on a bus, train or a plane, without someone to help me embark.

I am confined in my chair, no one knows I am here.

Yet in my head I am dancing around, having a ball by myself instead.

2022 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 19, 2022



I awoke with a feeling, that things were not going to go quite right today. There was no need to feel that way, as going to bed held no trouble at all. This was no time to linger, just time to get up and dress to prepare for what lay ahead. The house awoke in good order, yet this feeling I could not shake. 

Suddenly began feelings linked to a conversation from the day before When I was challenged about the value and quality of my friendships. Should friends be perfect or flawed, should we build intolerance to stay friends at all. 

A friend asked me once “Do you have any normal friends?” It shocked me. As my friends are my friends, if cruelty or lack of kindness crept in a review would be needed for sure. If severe enough they would be politely shown the door. 

I looked up and said “If you are an example, take a look in the mirror because your life is not normal for sure. Yet you are one of my best and most valued friends, warts and all.” 

A moment of stunned silence, as the words swung between us. With a twitch of the lips, grins, giggles and laughter expanded before she said, “you have made a good point there. 

In parts, I am a bit of a mess and thinking about it some of my other friends are too. Yet we share the bad and good we muddle along and still our friendships hold true.” 

I said, “If our friendships were all perfect, how boring, as there would be very little to say or do. The strength of friendship is shown in troubled and complicated times when we help one another through. It is also there to join in and celebrate the joyous times because that is what good friends do.” 

Time and distance do not break the ties, even in death, we remain true. Retaining the memories of the wonderful times we shared, telling others of them too. 

I will always be glad for the friendship we shared through thick and thin, where perfection or normality never crept in. 

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 13, 2022



We set off in the car loaded with recyclables for the Recycling Station. On pulling up alongside the clearly marked containers, we started unloading.

When I reached the cardboard container and just as I was about to throw our boxes in, I caught sight of a snail, trying to climb up a corner of a box. It did not look very well, I had to help it.

I gently prised it from the corner and moved it over to a large patch of ground, with a selection of different types of weeds and what looked like a trickle of water meandering through.

I gently placed the snail down on a plant and said,

“I do not know where you have come from, but you will find some new friends here. It has everything you might need so please stay safe and be happy.”

With that, we carried on recycling and at the container marked tins, there were clouds of wasps, it took an act of courage to place our tins in it without being stung.

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 12, 2022

The Cat Who Wishes To Be Mine


"The Cat Who Wishes To Be Mine"

She waited patiently for my return, 

Then what a welcome!

What cries and rubs around my ankles.

She almost turned herself Inside out.

I was so delighted to see her, 

We could not stop hugging one another.

Finally, our hearts calmed down 

And she sat on my lap and fell asleep.

Such love is hard to describe!

With Love, Wobbly

2022 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Apr 9, 2022



How comforting to chatter, 

Over everyday events and topics of great seriousness and sadness. 

Followed by laughter and jokes, 

To wipe wisps of lingering sorrow away.

It’s a stunner when in mid-stride, or waking at dawn, 

You find your speech has mysteriously gone. 

Your brain races as does your breath and heart, 

Trying to trigger your speech to restart.

Eyes frantically scan each face, 

To see if they understand the garbled mixed messages you now make. 

They can’t! They are trying! So are you.

Frustration, tears and despair are immediately shared. 

As you wait controlling fear, for help to arrive.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 8, 2022



The split when it came was devastating.

The audiences vanished, hard to replace them.

My music burned and raged in me, with no release.

No one to give appreciation.

Loneliness descended, finance too, yet you never left.

Just increased the desire to write and write.

When will this virus take it’s leave,

So I can share the music trapped within me.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 

Photo: Pixabay License

Apr 6, 2022




Saying goodbye is never easy,

Last-minute hugs, tears, love whispered uneasily.

Saying goodbye when leaving forever,

Losing a country and heritage built up through generations.

Trying to tuck every scrap of remembrance in our hearts.

To console us on sad or terrifying days.

Wishing and praying for the kindness of strangers to ease our path,

Through unfamiliar new customs and regulations not like our own.

Praying to return one day to the land of our birth,

Or to take root in this land, now our new home.

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 

Photo: Pixabay License