Apr 13, 2022



We set off in the car loaded with recyclables for the Recycling Station. On pulling up alongside the clearly marked containers, we started unloading.

When I reached the cardboard container and just as I was about to throw our boxes in, I caught sight of a snail, trying to climb up a corner of a box. It did not look very well, I had to help it.

I gently prised it from the corner and moved it over to a large patch of ground, with a selection of different types of weeds and what looked like a trickle of water meandering through.

I gently placed the snail down on a plant and said,

“I do not know where you have come from, but you will find some new friends here. It has everything you might need so please stay safe and be happy.”

With that, we carried on recycling and at the container marked tins, there were clouds of wasps, it took an act of courage to place our tins in it without being stung.

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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