Apr 21, 2022

The Penny Took A Long Time Dropping


There are times when ordinary conversations turn from sensible to hysterical in a moment.

Last night was one of those times. Anna and I started a perfectly ordinary conversation on the subject of adapting a house, to make some room changes.

I explained what I planned to do, when Anna said, “and the TV could go in the hall, people have it there these days.”

I thought for a moment then asked, “Why on earth should I have to stand up in the hall to watch the television, when we have two perfectly suitable rooms to watch it in already.”

There was a pause, followed by frantic banging on the wall before the penny dropped.

Her lovely Portuguese accent had got in the way she meant wall not hall.

We could not stop laughing for ages.

As I drew the picture of us standing in the hall watching the television.

Anna said, my face was a picture of puzzlement, as I tried to work out why she thought we needed to do such a thing.

We thought we would share this classic bit of Wobbly humour with you, to lighten your day.

Another recent classic, was when Anna chose to post a story I wrote about a dog called Blackie. When I looked at the post the next day there was a picture of a beautiful golden Labrador, not a flea-bitten tripe hound called Blackie. 

Laughter was the order of the day then as well.

We have decided to share more Wobbly humour with you, as it occurs, as life is far too serious at the moment.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

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