Mar 24, 2022



Sitting facing the sea, writing at the beginning of the slowly cooling and vanishing day. Watching shadows lengthening casting their last caresses on the sand.

Slowly raising my eyes, I was being inspected by a mother duck and her two developing and inquisitive ducklings.

She let them come close enough to almost nibble my toes, yet ready to protect them at any hint of danger from me. One thought it was safe enough to sit snugly in front of me. Mum was still on watch.

Suddenly they rose as one and headed for the sea, mum taking up the rear. I gently raised my eyes to see what had alarmed them.

There on the sand standing proudly was the Drake, the boss of the family. I wonder if he said, “Watch it she’s a human, not all humans are kind.”

Sadly animals have to teach their young to be wary of humans. We also have to teach our young to be kind and protective of them, so we can live together in harmony.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 

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