Mar 26, 2022



I believe in miracles, that birds can fly and so can I, in Aircraft in the sky.

I can believe in miracles, that food appears from the ground, in shops and fancy supermarkets, it can be found.

Flown in by aircraft from countries all around.

I believe the rain will fall, in parts of the world at different times.

Sometimes, it will flood, at others, hardly a trickle is revealed.

I believe the sun will shine to warm the day and chase germs and pesky bugs away.

At times, it heats the earth to dust, water evaporates and it fails to stay.

I hope that our human presence, in this world is tempered, by a much softer, kinder, sharing, caring, nurturing hand.

To preserve this Earth our, very precious land.

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 

Photo: Pixabay License

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