Mar 17, 2022



The sun shone out brightly shaking off a morning's storm. Displaying the brightest rainbow we have ever seen born.

Now is the time to see if the legend is true and a pot of gold is waiting there for you.

Oh, how you do deserve it of that there is no doubt. So let’s get there quickly before it’s visibility fades out. 

Each time we nearly touched it, it disappeared it is true. Yet it was not disappointed that we felt.

It was the beauty and value of the rainbow and the feelings that it gave, of wonder and delight at nature, sharing such a spectacular sight before it finally moved.

The memory of the rainbow, money certainly will not buy. Priceless it will remain with you, in your mind's eye, till the day you climb the rainbow into the sky.

2022 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 

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