Mar 18, 2022



Just to report yesterday was a perfect day, bobbing about in the Bay of Islands NZ. Sea conditions were perfect, dolphins put on a short display for us. Fish shoals were easy to see, swimming past the no fishing notices, in clear water at the edge of the island property.

We met some lovely people, I acted as a minder to a baby buggy and a backpack for a young family. They set off with baby following H, on a very steep muscle-wrenching start of a walk. (classed as an easy one.) Thankfully I sat myself down on a fixed table and bench, under the shade of the branches of a tree, to read a book and wait for the hero's return.

Once back and having married everyone up to the right belongings. H and I strolled along to lunch, it was very nice, after which we settled down on some large bean bags, to while away the time till our ferry's return.

Once the Ferry was spotted, we started to pack our bits and bobs. The fun started, H struggled to get up. I pushed him thumping the bean bag to no avail. No one paid us any attention, despite the hilarity.

After a mighty fight H bobbed up like a cork out of a bottle.
I never for one moment thought I would have much difficulty, with H to pull me up onto my feet. Wrong, every method was tried, to no avail.

Final roll over onto my front and up onto my knees, which have long given up extra weight-bearing. I said to H, I think we had better get the next ferry. As I crawled like a six-month baby, giggling my head off towards a firm table and bench which I grabbed. H pulled and somehow or other, we were both safely upright.

Just in time with dignity restored, to amble along a long jetty to the Ferry. Admiring some seagulls playing patta patta on the sand inviting a curious worm up to be their tea time snack. A beautiful calm trip home, and early bed.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 
Photo: Pixabay License

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