Jul 8, 2021



My grammatical rules and spelling can be hit and miss

Punctuation an academic would find appalling.

I cannot stop the words being written.

From brain to pen transferred to wrist,

They speedily keep falling.

There seems no end as far as I can see.

Writing is now my calling.

Words and feelings released, where fear once blocked,

For what they are worth, not an educational failure.

Some of us no matter how often taught,

In different ways are unable to retain,

The wonders of the written word.

They appear as language strangers.

Writing is now my calling.

The joy of inhibition cast aside,

Emotions good and bad released from the inside.

Tumbling free, exposing some of the real me.

It is healthy to keep part of emotional control intact,

As you do not know how those reading will react.

The freedom of the written word means,

Writing is now my calling.

© 2021 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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