Jul 30, 2021



I do not need Change anymore!

When young I used to follow fashion as best I could. On wages rather thin, leaving enough for slender encouraging food.

Trips on the bus to the flicks were good enough for us.Tucked up close, love blossomed in full view no hanky pan-key allowed. Now I need a cab to take me out.

With to Call to a friend for help and to lean on, and treat, to a lovely meal as it will be a special day, a birthday her’s or mine, no Champagne or Pimms this time.

Just ginger beer, an old favourite clinging on from the past. It will ensure my departure will be as elegant as I can manage. On limbs that wobble, in spite of firm walking stick directives from me.

I do not need change anymore!

My wardrobe is full of clothes I recycle, letting out or taking in depending on the shape I’m in. Shoes stay till frayed or scuffed, they cost so much, leaving a gaping hole in the budget. Plus larger sizes have become uneconomic to make. Does anyone know of any good foot shrinking powder? Oh, dear flip flops it will have to be! Hats are no longer in, I adore mine now, as my hair is starting to thin. Huge handbags are the order of the day, but not for me. Mine works best if they are light and small, or else I can’t carry them at all.

I do not need change anymore!

My culinary delectations have dwindled too. What is wrong with a plate of stew, that you can actually see. Not Novo Cuisine, those tiny bits that coldly slip and slide, avoiding the biting, leaving hunger rumbling, with menus so enormous, they need a waiter's assistance in deciphering. Even the desserts are incomprehensibly foreign to me. Where is the apple pie? Rhubarb crumble? Favourites of mine.

Are they part of the change this time?

My curtains when new were the very best it is true. Now faded like me, need a vigorous shake to make them brush up again and hang like new. No need for the latest household fashion, garish and uncomfortable for me to sit and view. Bathrooms are places to speedily pass through, as it costs money to keep them at the optimum temperature, for our elderly frames to spend many minutes lingering there too.

We never seemed to worry back in the past, money seemed to last and last.

All the equipment, for the TV, radio, media recording, much too complicated for my simple understanding and controlling, with manuals enormous and print almost invisible to read. I prefer knobs big and shiny, easy to grip and switch with a stiff wrist.

And I love books where I can handily reach them, comfortably close nearby. Not involving a dangerous obstacle trip and slip across the floor. Just so visitors can see a lovely tidy room.

Now I arrive at my greatest change and inconvenience. My Bank no longer resembles the friendly one I knew, anymore. It is hanging on by a thread, and will soon be shred. It’s all done on the internet, a human is rarely met. Conversing with a computer does not have the same appeal. Crooks called hackers with unusual zeal, seem to enter and steal, our hard-earned savings with dexterity, lack of conscience and ease. We have to be on guard, with passwords at the ready, with questions to answer, to make sure I am not a robot. Finally enabling me to access my essential, precious banking, my security secure again. The anxiety during the process is hard to brush away, it hangs around tends to stay. 

Trust has gone out the window, never thought I would see the day. A rumour is spreading, it will be our cash which will be disappearing next.

How on Earth will we manage then? 

With children’s pocket money, gift’s of cash to friends and family enabling them to treat themselves to something, they might really like. Helping Charities with collecting tins will become a thing of the past. As for the homeless on the street, how do we help them?They have no homes, internet, or bank account, yet will always be around and disconnected, don’t they count?

I do not need change anymore, it is too fast for me.

I no longer seek change for change's sake that is for sure, I certainly do not seek change bravely now, as I did before. I just want to stay as I am, till the end, when I can slip quietly away. Leaving this new world to the young, who will understand and move things on, just as we had to do.

How comfortable are you with change?

© 2021 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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