Nov 7, 2024



The first elephant I ever saw was made of wood. It stood firmly on a splendid wooden plinth. It was carved as though walking with one foot and trunk raised.

As a child, I could hug and pat its beautifully carved, shiny back, though I was firmly instructed not to try to lift it.

I tried once, but it was far too heavy for me as, in its raised trunk, it carries a light with lumpy shade, which bathes the room in a comfortable glow.

From the first sight, I needed to know! What is it?

More questions flowed: Where does it live? What does it eat? Is it scary? Does it bite?

So, my first feelings for Africa began, and I began to feel for its amazing people, fauna, flora, and crafts. It has taken me to her shores for some amazing, but short, visits.

The elephant that started my quest has been handed down by the family. It now rests comforting me as I read bathed in its light.

I was remembering the gatherings, both here and in Africa, with delight.

I never fail to pat the elephant, increasing the patina on its back, when I switch off the light for the night, taking the feelings of Africa with me.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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