Oct 16, 2024



I am a donkey called Fernando, living with a lovely man in the coastal hills of Spain.

Sometimes on my journeys, I can see, when up a hilltop, a huge amount of water they call the sea.

Strange, as very few people I know have been there or seen it, except from up here, when we pause each day, on the highest hilltop, to rest and have a drink and some hay.

I gazed towards the sea, wishing I could visit one day.

The day when it came was so exciting: my owner had a rich nephew who had phoned with an invitation.

“Come on down to the seaside. I will pay; it is fiesta day.”

My owner’s face lit up in excitement, which quickly faded away.

“Thank you, my nephew. I have to humbly say no. I have Fernando, my donkey, to look after. I cannot leave him and go, as there are wild dogs here and they would hurt him, I know.”

“Bring him with you. I will send a truck to give you both a ride. Fernando will be safe in my stable with Marie, my donkey, and we can join the fiesta, with music, horses and noisy marching bands. We can walk together on the golden sand with Marie and Fernando running freely in and out of the water, and rolling in delight, wildly on the sand. Marie knows how to be safe in the water; she will take Fernando in hand.”

“Ok, we will come.”

“Stay the night with me,” the nephew said. “Then we can celebrate without worry if we drink one drink more than planned.”

So my owner washed me down, brushed me like mad, and polished my reins and brass bits until they looked the best they ever had.

Then he brought a lovely black hat to me, which he said had a story to tell.

It fell out of the sky during a terrible gale and landed at his feet. He tried to find the owner, but failed.

So he kept it in the cupboard in case someone might like to wear it.

“That day has now come. I am going to give it to you to wear. I will cut holes for your ears and tuck flowers in the headband. You will become Fernando, one of the most handsome donkeys in this land.”

A year later, the nephew rang again, “Uncle, it is fiesta time again. Please come with Fernando. I will send a lorry for you both, just like last time.”

My old man sighed deeply, as he did not imagine he would be asked again. It had been a very hard year for Fernando and him.

He drew himself up, saying, “Yes, nephew; we will come.”

Next day, after being groomed very thoroughly, and with a case with all that we both needed, we were loaded onto the lorry for our trip to the seaside.

I was led to the stable where Marie greeted me in excitement, leaning out her head, hee-hawing, “Hee-haw, hee-haw.”

I replied in a language only we understood. Suddenly, I stopped in puzzlement, as another young voice called from the stall.

The nephew opened the stable door, saying, “This is the surprise I have had for you both. Marie has a foal called Miranda. I have been longing to tell you, but decided to wait till fiesta day came around once more.”

So, as a lovely family united, we set off, with my black hat firmly in place, ready for a great family fiesta day out.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Daniela Silvia Serban

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