Sep 5, 2024



I make my call to the young ones, it’s to them I am appealing. We need your youth and your vigor, along with your sense of fun. 

Come to join us in the struggle, to help, the old and the young. To all the youth just listen, follow me and we’ll have fun.

Follow me and we’ll have fun!

We rely on your work on computers and challenging political puns. 

We need your strength and protection, and your sense of fair play. To steer us into the future, in a successful way.

I make my call to the young ones, to them I am appealing. We need your youth and your vigour, along with your sense of fun. 

Come join us in the struggle, to help the old and the young. To all the youth just listen, follow me and we’ll have fun.

Follow me and we’ll have fun!

I make my call to the young ones, to them I am appealing. 

We need your work on computers, we need your strength and protection, along with your sense of fair play. 

To steer us into the future, in a successful way. 

In a successful way!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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