Sep 6, 2024



Early one morning I made my way to my railway station, and on crossing the bridge over the railway line I looked down for a moment to see if there was anyone on the platform.

To my amazement strutting along the railway line, pausing every now and then to pick up some tasty bite to eat was a beautiful Cockerel. 

The sun shone on his feathers and showed his plumage off to perfection. The wonderful orange and coppery colours on his head and body ended in a swirling waterfall, of curling glossy black feathers.

His upright bright red comb crowned the top of his head, and two alert black eyes and a bright yellow beak completed his handsome appearance.

For a few moments, I marvelled at him, then suddenly I awoke to the danger this lovely creature was in. He continued along the line unconcerned nearer and nearer to the station platform.

I rushed down the stairs, thinking as I went, ‘The train is due at any moment, I have got to chase him off the line.!’ Once on the platform, I looked down onto the line and he had gone!

Then I saw him again walking totally unconcerned up the slope onto the far platform which as the station was a terminus was never used these days.

I spoke to him and asked him to go home which was the worst thing I could have done as he thought, as all fowl do, that I was offering him something to eat.

‘Oh no.’ I quickly turned my back on him, as I could now hear the sound of the approaching train. I held my breath till the train stopped and I hurried on board so that I could rush to the far window to see what had happened to my friend the cockerel. 

He was nowhere to be seen, I just hoped he had run the right way back the way he had come to the safety of the farmyard he had escaped from.

If he was foolish enough to continue his adventurous walk he would be entering the territory of a family of foxes who lived at the far end of the platform. 

They too, I am sure, would have, been watching him strutting nearer and nearer their dens not with admiration at his beauty, but in anticipation of an early tasty breakfast served right on their doorstep.

I am however quite confident that he escaped back to the farm and the hen house, to tell a sceptical flock of hens how he had escaped from an absolutely huge scary monster.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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