Sep 4, 2024



I am grateful for the dawn approaching.

For the warming sun of the day.

I am grateful for my husband awakening beside me.

Ready for the chores to be tackled jointly and tidied away.

I am grateful for the rain showers, gentle and refreshing.

For the dog’s energetic greeting for a walk, and food it is true.

I am grateful for the cat’s more gentle reminder of hunger.

And for permission to parade outdoors.

I am grateful that children wake from slumber.

To hug and listen to for the rest of their lives.

I am grateful for the home we own, arranged and filled with love.

And work we walk home from without the cost of a train ride.

I am grateful for the garden and the vegetables grown at the end.

The cut flowers were brought inside, giving such a lift to the spirits.

I am grateful for the scent and colour when you walk indoors.

The chatter and laughter at the table over events of the day.

I am grateful for the moments of relaxation before saying to all “Goodnight. God bless”.

Lights out, as darkness of the night settles and we are very grateful for the many things left unsaid.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

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