Jul 5, 2024



Here comes Summer, longed for all year through, school holidays are now fast approaching, too.

Exams will soon be over. What shall we do?

The choices vary between us, as our ages dictate.

Some will be restrained by parents with controlled play.

Others will have holidays abroad by boat or plane.

Budgets for many are oh so tight, they can’t afford such delight.

A part-time job, perhaps the first, comes into sight, an experience some might remember for the rest of their lives.

Summer is a potpourri of feelings, not all dependent on the weather.

Sometimes friendships long cemented become fragmented.

New relationships burst into view, changing everything.

Ideas that have been churning around have time to expand.

Before you know it, a new business could be planned.

House reviews come to fruition: do we need all the clutter we have?

Wails of distress when you have to let go of things from the past.

Negotiations are required to retain those you love the most.

Summer weather can be a friend or foe.

It can disrupt, causing wails of despair when best-laid plans go awry.

An overabundance of sun interferes with travel and play.

Heatstroke can put you to bed for a couple of days.

Pets too can suffer, needing special care and no middle-of-the-day walks, otherwise, burnt paws may cause a trip to the vet and pain for your pet.

Carry plenty water to drink in the car; never lock and leave children or pets unattended in hot weather.

Just the right amount of sun is such fun and brings out the best in almost everyone.

Rain so needed can be such a pest when it pours in deluges, destroying all the fun plans that you had so carefully made.

Quick thinking: rearrange everything indoors.

For others, it saves watering the garden, refreshing the lawn, filling up ornamental or fish ponds.

For some, it can bring destruction and despair to homes, animals and food-bearing land.

Yet it can be fun playing in the cooling rain, in puddles which appear and then simply vanish once more.

So, Summer so longed for, be kind to us, please.

Just the right amount of sun and rain for us to enjoy.

For holidays abroad with no energy and mood-draining queues.

The enjoyment of plans long in the making, just as envisaged.

House repairs and decluttering ticked off the to-do list.

Relationships repaired that had been showing some painful cracks.

New friends made, so we can look back and say, “Do you remember that Summer? Wasn’t it great?”

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

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