Jun 14, 2024



A treat: a bacon toastie grasped ready for the first bite, a cup of tea steaming gently close at hand, as we huddled together to make an outdoor trip plan. The decision was made, to the Ferring Country Centre we would go.

On arrival, we saw animals in the outdoors; hens, rabbits, ducks in a ring, sunning out of the chilling wind. There were goats, some standing high on a fake castle wall. They always have to do that, to lord it over us all. Others poked their heads over the fence to the next enclosure where the grass was so green and freshly tender. They practised the art of daylight robbery, with no qualms at all.

Further on were the Alpacas, some resting and chewing the cud, others sitting looking at us majestically, wondering why we were improperly dressed, with no thick woollen hats just like theirs attached so cutely to the tops of their heads.

We watched the budgerigars flitting through from cage to cage, jabbering away, stopping for a cuddle, a snack, and a stare back wondering perhaps why we did not have other things to do.

Photos taken, we moved into the cafe for cappuccinos, milkshakes, and a cake, before setting off for the main task of the day: new plants and compost for hanging basket revivals, to keep them colourfully swinging all summer long. 

My granddaughter, too, had her time on the swings and one two other things.

Into the greenhouses, we went to choose the plants and meet some of the gardeners who worked hard to grow them from seed. They do an amazingly good job and enjoy doing it, too.

Back to the checkout to pay up and look good. Trolleying our purchases back to the boot of the car and clambering in, we declared it had been a great day out!

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 

Photo © Ferring Country Centre

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