Jun 22, 2024



Come closer, come closer, let me whisper.

Come closer, come closer, let me say

How much you have meant to me as my husband

Every night and every day.

We have not always been angels; that would not be true.

Our sharp words of disagreement fly by in a moment or two.

As we support ourselves and others with our love and wisdom during lives well lived.

Come closer, come closer, let me whisper.

Come closer come closer, let me say

Now we are getting older, time speeds faster, it seems.

We take longer to do simple, remembered things.

Memories become a little confusing, and names are difficult to recall.

We back one another in sorting them into order once more.

Our delight at the ring of the doorbell when someone comes to call.

The sharing of new stories as we retell ones from our past recalled and recalled.

Come closer, come closer, let me love you.

Come closer, come closer, let me say

Our youthful passions have dwindled, yet love has grown.

A touch, a smile, a laugh, a look kindles a tingle every time.

Our pledge of love, long-lasting, staying together is true.

As we take one day after another, sedately muddling through.

How about a cuddle and a kiss? We are never too old for love.

Something we are so glad we have had together and never missed.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo by Sven Mieke on Unsplash

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