Apr 3, 2024



Give me the sunshine, banish the rain.

Give me the sunshine to brighten me again. 

Give me the sunshine to start my day.

Gloom and doom from dark, 

Rainy days have been hanging around too long, far too long.

Give me the sunshine to banish the gloom and whisk it away.

Open the windows and allow the warmth and sunshine in.

Let friendly conversations over garden walls,

Start again as greetings are exchanged.

Give me the sunshine to dry washing now flapping in the fresh air.

Saving the electricity I now won’t have to struggle to pay.  

My energy will no longer be required to chop up more firewood to feed the wood burner to keep our home cosy and warm.

No more struggles with clothing to keep freezing winds away, as I plead with the dog to step outdoors.

He takes one look and backs away; not today, not today.

Come on, the sun is shining and warm. 

Try it, you silly lovable dog.

Bravely, together we step out into the sunshine spreading its warmth.

Trees shedding their blossom ready for fruit to appear. 

Early bees buzzing hungrily here and there.

Birds preening feathers for an insect-catching or seed-cracking day.

Whether in the air or on the ground, sunshine makes us move.

Lifting spirits, changing moods, allowing love to be shared around.

Anticipating with hope a good year ahead for everyone we know.

With leadership in health, honesty, trust, respect and above all, Peace and Love are to be shared everywhere.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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